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Livestock and Other Animals

Livestock and other animals, other farming of animals.



  • A & D Russell

    Based in Fleetwood Road, Greenhalgh.
    Tel: 01995 670313
    Address: Moor Hey Farm, Fleetwood Road, Greenhalgh, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 3ZA
  • A & F E Barrow

    Based in Garstang Road, Broughton.
    Tel: 01772 862822
    Address: Helms Farm, 571 Garstang Road, Broughton, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 5DL
  • A & L Parkinson

    Based in Bodkin Lane, Out Rawcliffe.
    Tel: 01253 701632
    Address: Bodkin Lane, Out Rawcliffe, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 6TL
  • A & S M Sanderson

    Based in Mee Farm, Treales.
    Tel: 01772 683292
    Address: Mee Farm, Moorside, Treales, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 3XH
  • A Armer

    Based in Hale Nook, Out Rawcliffe.
    Tel: 01253 700418
    Address: Hale Nook, Out Rawcliffe, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 6ST
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  • A Ashcroft

    Based in Grange Lane, Hutton.
    Tel: 01772 613336
    Address: Grange Lane, Hutton, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 5JE
  • A Bradley

    Based in Howick Cross Lane, Penwortham.
    Tel: 01772 743290
    Address: Tithebarn Farm, Howick Cross Lane, Penwortham, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 0NR
  • A Bretherton

    Based in Crombleholme Fold, Goosnargh.
    Tel: 01995 640692
    Address: Crombleholme Fold, Goosnargh, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 2ES
  • A Clarkson

    Based in Cumeragh Lane, Whittingham.
    Tel: 01772 865382
    Address: Piggot House, Cumeragh Lane, Whittingham, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 2JB
  • A D Pearson

    Based in Birks Farm, Thornley.
    Tel: 01772 783349
    Address: Birks Farm, Birks Brow, Thornley, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 2TX
  • A Grimbaldeston

    Based in Button Street, Inglewhite.
    Tel: 01995 640351
    Address: Manor House Farm, Button Street, Inglewhite, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 2LE
  • A H Brennand

    Based in Station Road, Hoghton.
    Tel: 01254 852943
    Address: Middenstead Farm, Station Road, Hoghton, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 0SR
  • A J Hollinhurst

    Based in School Lane, Out Rawcliffe.
    Tel: 01253 700420
    Address: Stone Check Hall Farm, School Lane, Out Rawcliffe, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 6BH
  • A J Walling

    Based in Moss Lane, Bilsborrow.
    Tel: 01995 640325
    Address: Moss Lane, Bilsborrow, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0RU
  • A Richardson

    Based in Wharles Village, Wharles.
    Tel: 01772 690440
    Address: Wharles Village, Wharles, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 3SJ
  • A S Parker

    Based in Hoole Lane, Nateby.
    Tel: 01995 602203
    Address: Manor House Farm, Hoole Lane, Nateby, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0LN
  • A Singleton

    Based in Garstang Road, Claughton-on-Brock.
    Tel: 01995 640225
    Address: Bradley Hill Farm, Garstang Road, Claughton-on-Brock, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0GA
  • A Smith

    Based in Huntingdon Hall Lane, Dutton.
    Tel: 01254 826407
    Address: Huntingdon Hall Lane, Dutton, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 2ZT
  • A T Alcock

    Based in School Lane, Inskip.
    Tel: 01772 690358
    Address: School Lane, Inskip, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 0TS
  • A T Rogerson

    Based in Collins Hill Lane, Chipping.
    Tel: 01995 61354
    Address: Handlesteads, Collins Hill Lane, Chipping, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 2WQ
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